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About Us

Pacific Aid Australia is a non-sectarian, independent, not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation. We support the Ecologically Sustainable Development of the Pacific Islands
Our Vision

‘Economic, social and cultural prosperity founded on the ecological integrity of the Pacific Region now and into the future.’

Mission Statement

“Pacific Aid Australia’s (PAA) mission is to develop and implement practical environmental management initiatives, economic, cultural, health and education programs and projects that promote ecologically sustainable development and self reliance for Pacific Island communities.

Activities of PAA are undertaken in collaboration with local, regional and national governments, civil society organisations, businesses, universities and non-government organisations in the context of protecting and enhancing Pacific Island ecosystems, cultures and economic wellbeing.”


We Value


Ecologically based sustainable development, cooperation between government, business, international and regional bodies and the community, practical responsiveness, cultural integrity, empowerment of the individual and community access to quality education and health services.


What is Ecologically Sustainable Development?


Among the many appropriate definitions of ecologically sustainable development (ESD), we accept the definition of ecologically sustainable development as meaning, ‘to use, conserve and enhance resources in a manner that ecological processes on which life depends are maintained, as well as enhancing social equity, so as to continuously improve present and future quality of life’ (after Brundtland 1987, Australian Commonwealth Government 1990 , Mark Diesendorf 1999).


Our Committment to Human Rights


Pacific Aid Australia supports the Full Declaration of Human Rights and works to implement it where application to our constitution and principles of ESD. We support a human rights based approach to combating poverty and injustice, as being integral to the four pillars of Ecologically Sustainable Development ( economy, environment, social, and cultural).

We support our fellow national and Islanders NGO’s who work in areas that complement our work. Like them we believe that everyone should have the right to:


A Clean Environment


We believe that human economic activity cannot sustain livelihoods if they are not based in the principles of ecologically sustainable development. If current and future generations are to have the right to livelihoods, shelter, healthy food , clean water and clean air and all the other basic human rights, current generational economic activities must allow for the plentiful regeneration of resources, remediate damage done to resources and the environment, and replant and enhance the earth’s ecosystems. Our activities are focused on raising awareness on these critical issues and implementing projects and programs that demonstrate them, including supporting family planning.


A Sustainable Livelihood Based on Renewable Resources


Pacific Aid Australia works to support activities that create sustainable employment and lobby at a policy level to support the economic aspirations of Pacific Islanders. We work with partners and communities to implement programs that lead to self-sustaining livelihoods, with a strong focus on green jobs and engaging women.


Education and Health Care


Education and Health are fundamental to understanding one’s owns rights and freedoms. We support preventative health care in non communicable diseases and capacity building with training in Australian or on island and we work to implement water treatment and supply programs.


Life, Liberty and Security of Person


The Pacific Islands are highly vulnerable to natural disasters which put Islanders are at greater risk of personal danger. We work with local partners and in public awareness campaigning in climate change mitigation and adaptation where possible.


Freedom of Opinion and Expression


Our program implementation process has a built in systems that ensures we are responding to the desires of Islanders and offering solutions they are seeking rather than imposing a development model.


Be Treated as Equal


When Pacific Aid Australia implements programs and projects, Pacific Islanders are our equal partners, and they drive activities.You can read the Full Declaration of Human Rights here.


The Board


The Board of Pacific Aid Australia’s is responsible for our overall corporate governance. The Board, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer each have terms of nce that define their responsibilities.


The composition of the Board seeks to provide a relevant range of experience, skills, knowledge and perspective to enable it to carry out its obligations and responsibilities. In reviewing the Board’s composition and in assessing nominations for appointment as non-executive directors, the Board uses external professional advice as well as its own resources to identify candidates for appointments as directors. The Chief Executive Officer has the responsibility for managing, directing and promoting the successful implementation of Pacific Aid Australia’s programs and is accountable to the board.

The matters reserved to the Board for approval and the authority delegated to management are clearly defined in Pacific Aid Australia’s policy on exercise and delegation of authorities. The performance of the Board, its committees, individual directors and key executives is regularly evaluated according to our performance evaluation protocol.


The Board’s responsibilities include appointing the Chief Executive Officer; succession planning, approving major strategic plans; monitoring the integrity and consistency of management’s control of risk; agreeing business plans and budgets; approving major program expenditure; approving funding plans and capital raisings; agreeing corporate goals and reviewing performance against approved plans.



Pacific Aid Australia maintains a majority of non-executive directors on its Board, although their professional skills are frequently called upon. The role of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer are not separated due to the small size of the board. The Board currently comprises 5 directors. The Board meets 6 times a year, holds extraordinary meetings and communicates regularly by email for approvals, comments, updates and other general matters relating to our activities. Neither the board nor its executors are remunerated.


The Board has in place a range of formal processes to evaluate the performance of the Board, Board Committees and executives. At the conclusion of the year, the Board carries out a review of its performance. The non-executive directors are responsible for regularly evaluating the performance of the Chief Executive Officer. The evaluation is based on specific criteria, including Pacific Aid Australia’s performance and short and long-term strategic objectives.


Board Members

Petra Campbell
Founder and CEO

Founding CEO, MEM, MScTech, M.A., M.BA (candidate) Dip. Quality Auditing, Dip. Project Management (PYMBOK), Cert IV Carbon Management, MAICD, MMEAA, MEIANZ, MCMIANZ, CEnv.P



Petra is a journalist / producer / director / photographer by profession and a Certified Environmental Practitioner. She has a Master in Environmental Management, a Master in Science and Technology (Environmental), and is currently completing a Master in Development Studies. Petra is a member of Australian Institute of Company Directors. In 1991, as part of a program she was researching for 60 Minutes on the consequences of Russian nuclear testing in Kazakhstan, she came into contact with a German aid organisation. As a result of this meeting, Petra worked in the field as the charity’s Child Sponsorship Program Coordinator for 13 years which gave her a solid experience and working knowledge of conditions in Africa, the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and Asia. Her work as both current affairs producer/journalist, and aid worker led Petra to many of the world’s disaster areas such as the Ukraine after Chernobyl and Rwanda after the genocide. In 1998 Petra returned to Sydney, Australia and developed the Pacific Region Program for the same German charity. While this began as a Child Sponsorship Program it quickly became apparent to Petra that the Pacific Region was in need of specific developmental assistance. Petra then founded International Help Fund Australia (now Pacific Aid Australia) to harvest the wealth of expertise, experience and generosity that fellow Australians can bring to their Pacific neighbours. In 2007 she was recognised by the United Nations Environment Program as an Asian –Pacific leader in Education for Sustainable Development. Petra was a Visiting Research Associate at the Pacific Studies Department, School of Social Science and International Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, at The University of New South Wales. She is a member of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand, the Carbon Management Institute of Australia and New Zealand, the Australian Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance, the Australian Directors Guild, is an environmental auditor with RABQSA, and the Australian Association of Building Sustainability Assessors.

Grant McCall

Grant is an anthropologist who researches and teaches about the peoples and cultures of the Pacific Islands. He has lectured at and been employed by universities in the USA, Europe, South America and Australia/New Zealand. For 22 years Grant was Director of the Centre for South Pacific Studies at the University of New South Wales as well an Associate Professor there. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology, a Master of Arts in Social Anthropology and a PHD in Anthropology

Brett Hurley

Brett Hurly is both a lawyer and a doctor. He has a Bachelor of Commerce, a Bachelor of Laws, a Bachelor of Medical Science and a Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery. He has vast experience in both professions and is currently working in several large hospitals in Australia. Brett helps Pacific Aid Australia to develop sound and relevant health programs and provides legal advice by monitoring our compliance and risk exposure.

Antoinette Plater

Antoinette comes to Pacific Aid Australia from 20 years professional service in funds management and investments  markets. Most recently she worked at the Rothchilds Bank. Antoinette  produces PAA’s annual audited financial reports.

“We're a dynamic and innovative NGO. We believe that Ecogically Sustainable Development  can be acheived by all of community working together. We practice what we promote by the way we  implement of our projects. So  please join our team of volunteers, and partners!" 

Petra Campbell, Founder and CEO

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Pacific Aid Australia (ABN: ) is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient. Donations of $2 or more to Paciic Aid Australia are tax deductible in Australia. Pacific Aid Australia is not affiliated with any parent organisation.


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