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How We Operate


Pacific Aid Australia seeks to make a tangible difference to people's lives through its programs. Our current projects focus on practical solutions to the problems faced by Pacific Islanders and involve a large sector of the community, from grassroots to volunteers, businesses, municipalities, national governments, international and regional corporations and agencies, and donors.

While Pacific Aid Australia runs projects that can be localised and of finite duration for specific outcomes—because these projects can make a significant difference to local development—we also recognise that development is a long-term undertaking. Therefore, Pacific Aid Australia concentrates on multi-stage programs with a regional identity, which can take five to ten years to implement.

Community Partnership


Community consultation at every level is key to the success of Pacific Aid Australia’s programs and projects. We build on the capacities of the countries we work in. At the heart of our approach is the belief that our purpose and processes are shaped by stakeholders and that our work is open to review and comment by partners and participants alike.

Our primary stakeholders and their views are afforded the highest priority at Pacific Aid Australia. We apply a quality approach to the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of our aid and development activities, emphasising relationships, learning, adaptation, and impact.


The relationship between us and our program partners is characterised by mutual respect and by a commitment and openness to two-way learning and support. When we undertake work in the Pacific we ensure mutual clarity and agreement about the objectives of the partnership and the respective roles, responsibilities and mutual accountability mechanisms.
























Corporate Governance


Pacific Aid Australia has its own Code of Conduct which is modelled on the Code of Conduct of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID). The Code requires members to meet high standards of corporate governance, public accountability and financial management.


You can download the PAA Constitution here


You can download the PAA Code of Conduct here


Integrity of Financial Reporting


Pacific Aid Australia’s directors and management are committed to conducting business ethically and in accordance with the highest standards of corporate governance. We believe that good corporate governance practices protect and enhance donor and member confidence. Pacific Aid Australia’s policies and practices are size appropriate and endeavour comply with the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Corporate Governance Council Principles and Recommendations, the Australian Council for International Development Code of Conduct and the Department of Gaming and Racing Best Practice Guidelines. We will continue to review and improve our governance practices to meet the expectations of regulatory authorities, industry best practice, our donors, beneficiaries and the general public.



Pacific Aid Australia’s board has relevant financial, commercial and risk management experience and is charged with assessing the adequacy of Pacific Aid Australia’s financial, operating and risk management controls, compliance with legal requirements and ethical guidelines affecting us. Pacific Aid Australia’s continual improvement process has been demonstrated through the pro bono external auditing of our annual reports and annual financial reports which over time became certified by the Australian Council for International Development for meeting financial and annual reporting requirements.



Safety, Health, Quality and Environment


Pacific Aid Australia considers the successful management of safety, health, quality and environment matters essential for our staff and stakeholders. The Board receives regular reports and presentations in relation to safety, health, quality and environment issues and performance. Our annual environmental audit is published in our Annual Report and is rated against our Environmental Policy and Environmental Plan, and previous environmental audits.


Risk Identification and Management


The Board has in place a risk management policy and integrated risk management programs aimed at ensuring that Pacific Aid Australia conducts its operations in a manner that allows risks to be identified, assessed and appropriately managed.


Pacific Aid Australia maintains an approach to risk management by using a structured, systematic and explicit risk assessment process that identifies and understands material, financial and non-financial business risks overall and on a per program and per project basis, recording those risks on a register and identifying mitigation methods and plans.


Evaluation and Monitoring


Pacific Aid Australia’s programs and projects are monitored regularly to ensure effectiveness and success. All projects are monitored by field visits and regular reports from the field to office staff. Projects and programs are managed according to the internationally recognised PMBOK project management method with adjustments specific to development aid as required by our Code of Conduct.






















Child Protection


Pacific Aid Australia is committed to the safety and well being of all children. We support the rights of children and will act without hesitation to ensure a child safe environment is maintained.


Pacific Aid Australia is committed to the protection of children from harm, abuse and exploitation. Children have a right to survival, development, protection and participation as stated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Pacific Aid Australia will uphold these rights.


Pacific Aid Australia takes its duty of care seriously and will aim at all times to provide the safest possible programs and environments for children. This will be achieved by identifying and managing risks that may lead to harm.


You can dowload the PAA Child Protection Policy here.




















Complaints Handling


Pacific Aid Australia will deal constructively with complaints from its supporters, partners, the general public, donors and official bodies.


You can download our PAA Policy Complaints Handling Proceedure here and PAA Complaints Handling Annex here


If you have a complaints you can download our PAA Complaints Form here


Point of Contact for all operations is:


Annual Reports


Please contact PAA for the full Annual Reports 2010, 2011, and 2012 as the files exceed uploadable MB's



AnnualReport 2013


Annual Report 2012


Annual Report 2011


Annual Report 2010


Annual Report 2009


Annual Report 2008


Annual Report 2007


Annual Report 2006


Annual Report 2005




Notice of Annual General Meeting

Download PAAAGMNotice


Download PAAAGM Proxy voting form


If you wish to participate by Email or social media, please mail:



From left to right: President Urusemal, Federated States of Micronesia; President Tommy Remengasau J. Palau; Petra Campbell, IHFA’s CEO; President Kessai H Note, Marshal Islands.

COPYRIGHT                                 PRIVACY POLICY



Pacific Aid Australia (ABN: 69108077176) is endorsed as an Overseas Aid Deductible Gift Recipient. Donations of $2 or more to Paciic Aid Australia are tax deductible in Australia. Pacific Aid Australia is not affiliated with any parent organisation.


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