Organic Waste
There are too many reason to compost which is why at PAA we promote composting of organic waste at home, at the hotel, at the resort, at the fish farm - anywhere where there is food and garden waste!
16 Reasons to Compost
1. Prolong life of landfills and save land: 50% of waste to landfill is food
and other organic waste. By composting, precious landfill is freed up for waste
that cannot be recycled or composted.
2. Reduce greenhouse gases from landfill by 20-2 times: when
organic waste is landfilled it decomposes anaerobically, releasing methane
into the atmosphere. Methane is more potent a greenhouse gas than carbon
dioxide by up to 27 times! When food waste is composted is releases only
carbon dioxide and water.
3. Improve national greenhouse gas reporting figures: by reducing
methane emissions from landfill.
4. Reduce waste management costs: less transportation, fuel and landfill
space is required by composting in BiobiN®, saving money on collection and
landfill fees.
5. Reduce truck movements on UAE roads: the Sheraton in Noosa,
Queensland, Australia, reduced its commercial truckloads of waste removal by 14 trucks a
week! This makes roads less congested with trucks.
6. Reduce carbon dioxide emissions from transport: less trucks on
UAE’s roads means less CO2 being released into the atmosphere.
7. Cleaner local air: Less trucks on roads means less air pollution and
cleaner local air.
8. Replenish soils by creating quality certified compost for the growing of crops: soil requires nutrition.
9. Save money on importing fertilisers for gardens and agriculture: by creating your own compost you can save on importing nutrients for soil enrichment.
10. Make a profit from reselling compost: when composting facilities are
set up to take commercial compost, producers of food waste can sell their composted food.
11. Create jobs: in the composting and landscaping trades.
12. Control unwanted disease and bacteria: composting is so effective;
temperatures destroy unwanted disease and bacteria.
13. Control rodents and pests: when food waste is composted there is less
food supply for pests like rats and other scavengers.
14. Reduce odours: when food waste is removed from landfill so are most of
the odours.
15. Save on water: composted soil significantly retains water, reducing the
need to water crops.
16. Improve crop production and survival by feeding plants well.
Sponsor a Composting Bin: Easter Island
In supporting Easter Island efforts to protect their ont fresh water lense, PAA delivered Tumbleweeds to Easter Island. Our goal was to provide one composting bin to each of Easter Island’s 1,200 households, assisting local efforts to save the island’s environment. The first delivery of plastic composting bins to Easter Island consisted of 13 bins, two of which were donated to the municipality, one to the Governor’s Office and one to the Hotel Taura'a, the owner of which - Edith Pakarati - is an active member of the Chamber of Tourism and has been instrumental in encouraging good environmental practice in the tourism industry. The bins were put together at the Municipality for maximum publicity value as there is important human traffic passing through on a daily basis. PAA's CEO demonstrated on local television how to use the bins and explained the value of composting. The bins have proven incredibly popular and the demand for them is enormous. The Easter Island Foundation sponsored ten bins, while the new Regional Manager for LAN Airlines, Mr Alfonso Luna, graciously maintained continuity of support by providing free freight from Tahiti to Easter Island. Ceva Freight Management sent the bins from Australia to Tahiti at a third of the market rate. Tumbleweed has agreed to provide one extra bin for every ten bins sponsored by PAA. The impact of the delivery of the bins to Easter island was so profound that the Chilean Government funded a Chilean NGO to stay on Easter Island for a year to teach islanders how to compost, and provided more composting bins.
Commercial Composting
Outside of home composting, the bigger market for whole of island collection of green and organic waste requires large scale composting and infrastructure. In looking for low cost in vessel commercial composting we came upon the Biobin. The Biobin was invented by Peter Wadewitz, South Australian composter extraordinaire, originally to compost deceased birds affected by the avian bird flue. But its uses are much wider. The Biobin can rapidly compost:
Food and organic scraps from restaurants, hotels, resorts, camp sites, schools, catering services...any where that produces organic waste that would otherwise be sent to landfill.
Meat processing, fish markets waste, dead animals and other putrescibles wastes where pathogen and odour control is a priority.
Fast food outlets.
Organic material such as grass clippings, leaves, small branches etc.
Newspapers, cardboards and other paper products.
Shopping centre food waste with a variety of outlets including fast food, cafes, green grocers and supermarkets
With the assistance of Biobin and the Department of Trade and Economic Development of the Government of South Australia, PAA hosted a visit by Toke Talangi, Niue’s Prime Minister and Minister of Environment and Finance, Ricky Makani, Niue’s Waste Management Director and Karl Meuel, the then CEO of Tahiti's Waste Management Department, the Societe Environnement Polynesiene. The delegates were taken to visit Biobin technology, rapid low tech robust, organic composting bins.The Department of Trade and Economic Development of South Australia with Business SA hosted a lunch for the Pacific Island group to network with South Australian environmental technology companies. OUR GOAL is to populate the Pacific Islands with Biobins!
Compostable Baby Nappies
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Sponsor a Composting Bin!
Rat, dog and fly prooof, the Tumbleweed is perect for islands.
Buy one here or via the paypal Buy Now button above
Donations of $2 or more to Paciic Aid Australia are tax deductible in Australia
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Compost Bins Sponsorship Program
Nature has been composting dead organics for millenia naturally and this is what we humans should be doing to becasue it makes all the sense in the natural world. 1 kg of organic waste going to landfill yields 1 kg of methane which is up to 27 times more heat retaining, therefore more problematic than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. Composting has added benefits by diverting organic waste from landfill, which on an island takes up valuable space and threatens drinking water supplies, while providing enriched soils for subsistence farmers to grow healthy food. The Tumbleweed composting bins we have selected for the program were tested by PAA for a year prior to recommending their use on island. These bins are rust, rat, fly and dog proof, which is very important on an island with a chronic rat problem and packs of dogs breaking into bins and bags or open backyard compost piles. Additionally, the bins themselves are 100% recyclable at the end of their life.
Baby nappies are both a hazardous and organic waste management issue faced by islands. It is common to find nappies lying around on beaches and thrown into surrounding landscape. Compostable baby nappies are definitely the way to go on an island. They can be composted in the Tumbleweed or in the Biobin. Although they can flushed down Australian quality toilets, it is not recommended to do so in the islands because the plumbing is inadequate. We tested the Australian designed and made Eenees Eco Baby Nappy is Kiribati, Tuvalu and Easter Island. Watch this short video below to see how Pacific Island mothers found them. Our Goal is to replace disposal baby nappies in the Pacific with Eco Nappies!
Pacific Aid Australia (ABN: 69108077176) is endorsed as an Overseas Aid Deductible Gift Recipient. Donations of $2 or more to Paciic Aid Australia are tax deductible in Australia. Pacific Aid Australia is not affiliated with any parent organisation.