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Easter Island

Easter Island is a province of Chile. Chile is considered a medium developed country and so is not targetting for development aid (any Australian donations we receive for Easter Island are not tax deductible because of Chiles position on the Human Development Index). However, when we first visited Easter Island as part of our Pacific reconnaissance we found the island suffered the same problems affecting all other islands, especially in waste management, water supply and sanitation, biodiversity loss, desertification, and fisheries. Being such a world famous island, it suffered additional pressures of rapidly rising tourism and a lack of infrastructure to cater for the growth . The islands population is growing again. Easter island is on an unsustainable path. We decided we couldn’t ignore their issued because of Chile’s HDI. We developed a number of programs in Easter Island and we can enthusiastically report  that Easter Islanders are highly motivated to resolve their problems and they have acted on every project we initiated with them.


Waste Management


Easter Island’s main drinking water supply sits under an unlined landfill and was threatened with contamination. The first priority was to get recyclable, hazardous and green waste out of the landfill. Easter Islands drinking water lays under an unlined landfill and was threatened with contamination. The first priority was to get recyclable, hazardous and green waste out of the landfill. Read More.

Water Sanitation


While looking at the low hanging fruit like recyclables, we also looked at how to stem the low of raw sewerage into the islands only drinking water supply. Read More

Soil Forests Compost


Easter Island is scene of one of the best known ecological catastrophes as a result of

deforestation by the early settlers. Read More

Advocacy, Culture


Pacific Island culture is old, rich and being eroded by the impacts of globalisation. At PAA we promote Island culture, sustainable self sufficiency, fair trade, good and sensible economics. Read More

Capacity Building


Our consulting services focus on our clients' most critical issues and opportunities. Read More


Climate Change


Our climate change program is currently focused on producing climate change projection reports and water security. Read More


The Mana Scholarship for Environmental Studies


Pacific Aid Australia, the Rapa Nui Foundation and Longrunenergy have founded the Mana Scholarship for Environmental Studies to support the development of environmental professionals on Easter Island. Read More

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Pacific Aid Australia (ABN: 69108077176) is endorsed as an Overseas Aid Deductible Gift Recipient. Donations of $2 or more to Paciic Aid Australia are tax deductible in Australia. Pacific Aid Australia is not affiliated with any parent organisation.


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