Climate Action
Rising sea levels caused by Climate Change is an existential issue faced by Pacific Islanders.
The Pacific Islands are on the forefront of Climate Change. This is because the melting of the worlds
glaciers and polar ice releases water into the ocean, causing sea levels to rise. Many Pacific Islands
like Tuvalu, Kiribati and Marshall Islands are flat coral atolls. Pacific Islanders are faced with the very
real prospect of losing their homeland and have to migrate elsewhere.
What is Climate Change?
Climate change is the change of of the average pattern of weather over a long period of time.
Greenhouse gases caused by human activities like the burning of fossils fuels is the principle
cause because they act like a shield in the atmosphere trapping the suns heat in the atmosphere
and heating it up.
This Climate Change Frequently Asked Questions is maintained by an independant group of
senior Australian Scientists, the Climate Scientists Australia coalition.
What is PAA doing about it?
Climate change is a complex issue that must be tackled globally. countries like ours who have contributed most to climate change have a responsibility to take action.
We campaign for the Australian Government to commit to a pollution reduction target of 40% by 2020
Raising awareness in the community to help Australians reduce their own impacts
We are working with communities to support them to adapt to the impacts of climate change and to ensure they have a voice in determining what they need.
Offer island climate change adaptation planning training
What can you do?
Turning back climate change requires an all of community effort. Each of us, from the individual to the corporation can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions:
Watch our video below to see how.
Watch the stories of those most affected by climate change on our You Tube Channel
Read about the Science of Climate Change
Renewable Energy Options for Pacific Islands
Pacific Islands Countries and Territories are dependent on imported fuels for transportation and power generation. Power generation is a significant challenge to development. Oil imports consume the largest percentage of PICTs gross national income and foreign exchange earnings. In terms of greenhouse gas emissions PICTs produce less than 0.5% of the world’s total, yet the consequences of global warming for many islands will be irreversible. Whole islands are expected to become submerged. The challenges of a future of climate change, high energy demands and high fuel prices underlies the need for the development and application of innovative renewable energy technologies and energy efficiencies. Renewable energy technology (RET) initiatives either have already been applied to PICTs or that have yet to be demonstrated, include biofuel, notably from waste, sugar cane and coconuts, and wind, solar, geothermal, wave or tidal, hydropower. All have some potential to provide a fuel mix, but a continuing challenge for PICTs is how to implement RE technologies on a cost scale appropriate to their varying sizes. In PICTs there are few successful examples of the use of renewable energy on anything but a demonstration scale and past experience has often resulted in loss of community support because either old technology was applied, or for lack of capacity in ongoing operation and maintenance, the availability of spare parts, financial sustainability, or because the projects were donor and supply driven rather than demand managed and not based on a coherent national or regional energy plan. However, these failures produced valuable lessons upon which the next stage of RET application to PICTs is about to be implemented. PAA produced a Report Renewable Energy Options for Pacific Islands.
Easter Island: Climate Change Projections for 2100
Read our report in the Rapa Nui Journal here
Read the full thesis here.
Easter Island: Climate Change Adaptation Planning
Furthering our research on Climate Change Projections for Easter Island 2100, we also produced a Climate Chnage Adaptation Planning paper for the Island.
Read our Report in the Rapa Nui Journal here
More Resources
Our CEO, Petra Campbell, has been selected to attend the Climate Reality Leadership Corp Training in Brazil
November 4-6
Pacific Aid Australia (ABN: 69108077176) is endorsed as an Overseas Aid Deductible Gift Recipient. Donations of $2 or more to Paciic Aid Australia are tax deductible in Australia. Pacific Aid Australia is not affiliated with any parent organisation.