Our Volunteers
PAA has survived on volunteers.
Terry Adams, Australia
IHFA is devastated to announce the passing of Terry Adams, taken from friends and
young family way too early. Adams was diagnosed with cancer while working in a
voluntary capacity for IHFA
as well as professionally for
SIMS Pacific Metals. He was
instrumental in providing the
technical support for our first
scrap metal removal program
in Niue in 2005. Adams has
been immortalised in our
two instructional video’s
‘How to Process Scrap Metal
on Your Island’ and the ‘Niue
Scrap Metal Removal
Program’. After his first
treatment of chemotherapy,
Adams would call us regularly
to see if he could be of further assistance in the Pacific Islands. He even called just a few
months before passing away to see if he could help anywhere. Adams was a wonderful
man with an expansive heart and we at IHFA wish to acknowledge the contribution he
has made to our efforts but as well as being part of the first major coordinated programs
of scrap metal clean up of the Pacific Islands. We will miss him and we extend our
heartfelt sympathies to his family.
Carlos Hey Tuki, Easter Island
We are equally overwhelmed to learn of the passing of Carlos Hey Tuki of Easter Island.
Tuki was on the team of the first waste
management program we started in Easter
Island. He travelled with Luz Sazzo, now the
Mayor of Easter Island, to Tahiti to be trained
by the Tahitian Waste Management
Department. Tuki was dedicated to Easter
Island and worked hard to help find solutions
to the environmental problems faced by it. He
also left behind two young children after
succumbing to a motorcycle accident. We will
miss him and we also extend our deep
sympathies to his family.
PAA is grateful for the services of Good
Company. To make it easier for time-poor
community groups, the not-for-profit
organisation Good Company regularly hosts
free wish writing workshops to help NGO’s write up their wishes for pro bono support
and to market them to other organisations so as attract appropriate volunteers for the
role sought by the applicant NGO. In 2008, IHFA put in a wish for accounting support as
IHFA’s existing accountant, Hanley, had sadly announced she would leaving us at the end
of the financial year, after five years of voluntary service to IHFA.
As a result, Good Company were able to supply IHFA with the volunteer services of
Pradip Niraula. Niraula has a Master of Professional Accounting from the University of
Southern Queensland, and a Master and Bachelor of Business Studies from his home
country of Nepal. Niraula assisted Hanley in the preparation of IHFA’s annual report this
year. IHFA also benefited from information technology assistance thanks to Good

Pacific Aid Australia (ABN: 69108077176) is endorsed as an Overseas Aid Deductible Gift Recipient. Donations of $2 or more to Paciic Aid Australia are tax deductible in Australia. Pacific Aid Australia is not affiliated with any parent organisation.